
Carlos (Chile) and Oriol (Barcelona, Spain) playing cajón on the streets of Sevilla.

Posted: March 20th, 2008
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Flamenco Dancing

Bernardo of Anarko Flamenco dancing bulerias, while Oriol and Carlos accompany him on the cajón.The crowded streets are a result of Semana Santa (the week preceding Easter).

Posted: March 20th, 2008
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Impromptu Flamenco

I met some really cool musicians here in Sevilla, and here they are improvising an impromptu Flamenco song while we were sitting around at a café. Pictured from left to right are Marina, Tyson, Oriol, and Carlos.

Posted: March 20th, 2008
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Last night, I was fortunate to buy the last available ticket for a Tomatito show. When the show started, he came out alone, and brought me to the point of tears with his musical finesse. After the first song, his musical companions joined him – 2 singers, another guitarist, a percussionist, and a dancer. These guys really knew how to put on a fantastic presentation, and they managed to do it without uttering one word (save lyrics) to the audience. It was certainly awesome to see one of my (many) guitar heroes performing live.

Here is a video clip of the encore, which was interrupted by an usher telling me I couldn’t film. Oops.

Posted: March 12th, 2008
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Scent of Orange Blossoms

Sevilla Sour OrangesFor me, the most pronounced thing about Sevilla is not its numerous attractions, sights, tapas bars, and multicultural diversity. It is something far more subtle, and takes some time before it actually sinks in. Sevilla simply smells delicious. Currently, it is Spring here, which means the sour orange trees lining the streets are blooming.

Posted: March 8th, 2008
Categories: blog, travel
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Indian Wedding

Due to a delayed flight, day one of my trip found me stranded at the Newark airport, with no alternative but to find a hotel.

Ahh, sleep is priceless after days of erratic rest.

This morning, I woke to the deep bass of a giant heartbeat. I thought I was in a giant womb. The heartbeats gradually morphed into a beat, and then I heard an announcer say “How are we doing tonight? Are we going to have a party?!” Mind you, this was morning, not night, or so I thought. I rushed to the window and saw an Indian wedding party taking place in the cold parking lot.  Enjoy the videos of this surreal spectacle.

Posted: March 2nd, 2008
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Getting Jiggly With It

Here’s a video of me enjoying some interesting Japanese cuisine.

Posted: February 23rd, 2008
Categories: blog, cuisine, culture, travel
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I’m Born To Be Wild

As it turns out, I’m born to be wild, as is evidenced by the hilarious video below. This somewhat embarrassing extravagance took place at a hotel resort in Ise, Japan, and my witnesses were my traveling companions, and a bunch of inebriated Japanese locals celebrating a wedding. The Japanese gent joining me towards the end was not arranged in advance. I think he really liked my leg.

By the way, I wasn’t drunk. I don’t drink alcohol.

Posted: February 23rd, 2008
Categories: blog, humor, music, travel
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Guzheng Cycle 2

As promised months earlier, here is a video of me cutting it up on the monome 40h.

Posted: December 11th, 2007
Categories: blog, music
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The Bible Banger

This morning I woke to the unmistakable sound of a midwestern American voice. At first, I was excited to hear the sound, and eager to talk to it’s owner, until I discovered that he was preaching, and getting downright biblical on some Malaysian guy staying at the hostel. All of this happened outside my window, so I couldn’t ignore it, and the American’s voice was too loud for me to go back to sleep. Why does it always have to be a Bible-thumping American who sticks out like a sore thumb, who feels it’s important to convert the world to his world view? Ugh.

Posted: November 11th, 2007
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