News for October 2005

Cute Giraffe

Cute Giraffe

This just appeared in my inbox, courtesy of Nicole. (source unknown)

Posted: October 18th, 2005
Categories: blog, humor
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What Are You Really Putting On Your Body?

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has created a safety report on the numerous substances we use for body care. The site allows the visitor to search through numerous brands and find out what poisons they are using on their bodies. It’s fascinating and (not just mildly) frightening.

EWG Report: Skin Deep

Posted: October 18th, 2005
Categories: blog, culture
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Raw Meat Art

Raw Meat Art Show

Um. How would you like to see this in person?

The artist Gabriela Rivera says her “work is a metaphor for the relationship that people have with themselves every day when they look in the mirror.”

Yikes. I hope that’s not what I see when I look in the mirror. If perchance you DO see yourself like this, I would recommend professional help.

Via Ananova

Posted: October 15th, 2005
Categories: bizarre, blog
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The food log continues. I’m on another mild liver cleanse…

1 organic grapefruit
1 organic gala apple
1 cup organic Chamomile tea

Salad with lettuce, artichoke and onions (non-organic)
1 organic radish

Dammit. I’m still hungry after that lunch.

a bowl of organic peanuts
green Odwalla protein smoothie

1/2 lb. wild salmon
sauteed bok choy
wild yam buckwheat noodles
1 organic gala apple

Posted: October 11th, 2005
Categories: blog
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