To write or not to write
I haven’t been writing much lately. Perhaps some of you have noticed. I simply haven’t had the energy nor the drive for it. It’s not really burnout. It’s more like apathy. Or something like that. Well, I’ve decided it’s time to start writing again.
The other day, Jeremy Kuzniar, Eitan Silver and I got together to play a show for an Aveda benefit in Milwaukee. We were to play during the reception of a fashion show, which was to follow our performance. I ended up recording the 45-50 minute set, and a smile very quickly conquered my face as I listened to the recording last night. I will post it to this blog soon.
The notable near-tragedy averted by dumb luck was after the show: I was fiddling with an umbrella, trying to open it in the back of my car (to cover up an amplifier) when I managed to poke my eye with one of the extended tips. I knew instantly that I had done some type of damage. I managed to remain calm. The situation required it. My eye throbbing, I managed to look in the mirror. A small tear of blood had started to work its way out of the corner of my eye. Within seconds, I was crying blood out of one eye. It was one of those rare moments in life when I was suddenly concerned about not having any health insurance. I managed to dab the blood away with a tissue, and discovered that it was the skin in the very corner (by my nose) that had gotten damaged. My eye was fine. However, my eye swelled up and decided to turn into a black eye. I now look like I got into a brawl. Sunglasses have crucial in preventing the innocent from finding out what I really do with my time.
Tell that to the umbrella, not the idiot who tried to open it inside a car.